The Tattle-tale Truth

Tis this tea that trickles past my teeth

Towards my tongue, tickles my thighs, I tell thee

Today’s time tell truths that tears

That no talk at the table treats

Treachery throws tantrums to the taming thrown back

The tableaus we travel into 

That they turn us in to

Twice more, twice again

Tis the tyranny and thy telekinetic tactics

The tips that they tap 

They tack our ticks on tall trees, 

They trace our treks

They turn tart when we tally up the tackles

But the tender tits they tether to

Taste of tangy tamarinds 

No tabernacle can treat tapeworms

The truths told 

Tailored on to thee, a tattoo

Taped on tabloids and televised for the takedown

The top totalitarians tear

In which no talk at the table treats

Throating tablets like tic tacs

Tumbling to their textiles that tangle thee

Tumbling to teepees from their towering tenured tetrahedrons they once pitched

Thines temple that they now tenant

This tea that trickles to my toes

Takes this tarot and teases, 

taunts at thee.

Try to tax that 


Praise to those Deserved


Migrant Adrift